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FOX v.

Nelson-Metzenbaum operating scissors curved blunt-blunt 16 cm


Nelson-Metzenbaum scissors are distinguished by a long handle compared to the length of the blades and slightly rounded blade tips, which makes them an ideal tool for precise tissue preparation. They are adapted to sterilization processes and can be disinfected many times.
They were manufactured in accordance with ISO standards and have the CE mark, which confirms their high quality and compliance with international safety and quality standards. They have a 24-month warranty.


Product Details

Nelson-Metzenbaum scissors are distinguished by a long handle compared to the length of the blades and slightly rounded blade tips, which makes them an ideal tool for precise tissue preparation. They are adapted to sterilization processes and can be disinfected many times.
They were manufactured in accordance with ISO standards and have the CE mark, which confirms their high quality and compliance with international safety and quality standards. They have a 24-month warranty.

Type of scissors: preparative, standard surgical
Length: 16 cm
Tip shape: curved
Sterility: non-sterile
Application: reusable

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