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Third-wave of COVID-19 in Pakistan

Third-wave of COVID-19 in Pakistan

The Third-wave of COVID-19 in Pakistan Pakistan is going through the third wave of COVID-19. It is deadlier than the previous two waves. The positivity rate is now close to 8 percent. The second wave of COVID-19 was at a peak in early December. Whereas cases in other countries sharply declined, in January and February. And this was not the case in Pakistan. There was a consistent and slow increase since January and the national positivity rate was under 5%. There was a rapid increase in daily deaths across Pakistan.

The cases and deaths were far more than earlier. This marked the third wave of COVID-19. The UK Variant was worse and in many cases, it couldn’t be diagnosed with PCR tests. The patients were now relying on signs, CT scans, and chest x-rays. While the cases were rapidly increasing and the symptoms were worse this time, the schools opened and there was ease in other restrictions. This further deteriorated the situation. There was a high need to strengthen the defense against the UK variant instead of becoming vulnerable since it is lethal. As reported by Health experts, there has been an increase in the cases of COVID-19 among children. There has been a rapid spread of COVID-19 among young individuals during the third wave. The death rate among children is way lower than adults but they play a huge role as potential carriers. According to health experts, the virus has also affected newborns. There are also cases of lung infection in children who were COVID-19 positive. Adults who have been affected are showing intense symptoms and lung issues. The hospitals are under huge pressure and they have a huge number of COVID-19 patients. The number of patients on the ventilators has massively increased. There is a shortage of beds in hospitals as reported by healthcare workers. The virus is spreading rapidly and is also leading to numerous deaths. People of Pakistan have not been following SOPS. There have been reports of people not wearing marks and not maintaining social distance. The Capital has been divided into three zones, Red, Orange, and Green. Highly affected areas come in the red zone. Intermediate affected areas come in the orange zone.

Less-affected areas come in green zones. Educational institutes have been closed, and public gatherings in masses have been restricted. The government has also put a ban on all wedding events. Previously it was allowed to have wedding events outdoor with up to 300 guests. “We are trying our best to take all necessary measures to control the infections, but it is almost impossible without public support,” Sajid Hussain Shah, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Health Services and Regulations stated. He further stated, “We request the public to strictly follow health guidelines for their own benefit.” The vaccine is being given by the government to individuals above 60 and individuals above 50 can now register themselves. Shah Mahmood Qureshi received the Sinopharm vaccine and he stated: “It’s a safe and effective vaccine, and people should get the jabs as early as possible to fight the virus,” he said. The third wave of COVID-19 is intense and we all must play a role to minimize its impact. Everyone must wear masks and maintain social distance. Public gatherings should be avoided. We still have a chance to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by following SOPs and by taking precautionary measures.